What Is the Typical Turnaround Time to Get Your Roof Replaced?

Trying to replace a roof – whether you do it on your own or call a roofer – is not always an easy task. In some cases, roofing takes only a day or two, and the job goes smoothly. However, even the most professional and skilled roofers will run into a lot of difficulties from time to time.

It’s important to have knowledge of the turnaround time of roof replacement. When you know how long a professional roof replacement will last, you can make your plans work even if you’re pressed for time. That’s when things will really work in your favor.

Factors to Take into Account

So, what does it take to replace a roof? Well, the materials need to be procured, a plan of action needs to be set up to ensure that all the tasks are completed on time, and it’s also important to account for discrepancies or delays caused, for example, by the need for an impromptu decking repair job.

Most roofers will tell you that replacing a typical roof of 3000 square feet or less will only take a day or two. However, that time can be extended depending on what other tasks will need to be performed or what unexpected stressors might influence the work. Here are a few things that can easily delay your Aurora roofing project:

  • An unexpected storm passing through;
  • Problems with building codes and standards due to an unconventional roofing upgrade;
  • Unexpected repairs having to be performed before the new roof can be installed;
  • The weather becoming very windy;
  • Discrepancies and mistakes made when selecting or delivering the roofing products and materials required for the project;
  • Roofing materials that present challenges when being installed;
  • Roofing technicians lacking in experience;
  • Unexpected injuries or property damage.

AS you can see, there are quite a few factors that need to be accounted for. To make matters worse, roofing jobs can go more slowly if you have a very large house, as not all roofers have enough workforce to handle such a large scale project in less time. As such, it’s possible that larger or more complex roofing projects might take up to a week or more, depending on all other factors causing possible delays.

Expect the Unexpected

As a homeowner, it’s hard to cope with all the delays that might occur when you’re trying to have a new roof installed. However, as long as you know what to expect, you can typically account for the delays and work around them.

To do so, talk to your roofers and ask them for a written estimate that includes the estimated time of completion. Also, keep the communication channels open. If the project drags on for more than a day or two, ask them what the delay is and insist that you’d be given detailed updates going forward.

If you’re in a hurry to sell your house or to go on vacation after the new roof is installed, make sure that you give yourself enough time. Plan on the possibility that delays could happen and give the roofing project at least a week or two of potential time, even if it shouldn’t normally take more than a couple of days.